Saturday, November 13, 2010

Natalie Grant-Held-lyrics video


Wanda's Wings said...

This song speaks so many of the feelings I had when I lost Chris. He was "torn from my life" and I was left to go on even though I did not want to. Jesus has to hold me up daily.

RCUBEs said...

I love this song...Today, my best friend and her mom are remembering the time her only sibling passed away from a car accident 12 yrs.ago. Can't imagine what her mom is going through, not only today but every day. I lift them up in prayers daily. If not for the strength that comes from the Lord, where else can a grieving mother get it? Praying for God's comfort and healing over you too sister. Take care.

Dreaming again said...

When i first realized that my ability to sign was decreasing, it was quite upsetting .. Melissa G @ church asked me if I'd heard the song ... that was all she needed to say.
It came close to my heart as I thought of all the losses, including that of my own child I never met ...

But the hardest was leaving Teresa's daughters funeral, I was angry with God ... seriously angry that this little one didn't survive her brain cancer (and what that might do to Teresa's tenous hold on faith) shouldn't God have known better?

As I left the funeral, I got into the car and this was playing. A direct word from God ...
So whenever I start to get angry with God ... i listen to it ..what makes us think that we who have died to live should be rescued? This is what it means to be held, when the sacred is torn from your life and you survive. this is what it means to be held ...

Just Be Real said...

Natalie Grant is such a wonderful singer who expresses emotions that reaches many hearts. Blessings to you Wanda.

Jackie said...

This is the first time I have ever heard it and it brought tears to my eyes. We have lost so many in the last couple of years in our family.

I also have a 40 year old daughter with Tuner's Syndrome and their life expectancy is only low to mid 50's. So if I live my natural life I will have to face that loss...the worst one of all...a child!! I can't even bear to think of it!!

I am grabbing your address to add to my roll Wanda so I know when you have a new post!!

I absolutely love this song. I am so grateful I stopped by!!

I hope you have a lovely Sunday!