Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm So Excited!

My daughter is thinking about trying to rent a car and come down and visit for Christmas! I was thinking if we forgo Christmas presents we might be able to pool enough money together for her to come.That would be better than any present in the world. I have an extra bedroom now, so there would be a place for her and Ron to sleep. I'm just so excited about the thought of seeing her for the holidays I can hardly stand it! I'm just setting here crying like a baby. So much has gone wrong this year I'm scared to death to get my hopes up too high. She lives half way across country so it is a real big deal. I was so not looking forward to Christmas this year. It would be the greatest gift I could wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!


RCUBEs said...

That would be awesome for both of you sister! Praying that it will materialize. May God provide for all of your needs. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Ha - this sounds good, Wanda! Hope it will work.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! I really hope this works out. You need some happiness in your life.

Wishing you well,