Thursday, June 08, 2006

Friend Needs Help

A good friend called late last night requesting that I go with her to help sick family member. I will be out of town for the next few days.
PK, if you read this before I call don't freak. I will call you before I head out this afternoon.
I shall return shorly.


Dreaming again said...

Stay SAFE!

take your accountability sheet with you ...and try to get your walking in somehow.

My kids are going to be so disappointed you're not going swimming with us this weekend! Freddy Kreuger Freckles will miss you too. ;)

Do, call.

Wanda's Wings said...

I would rather be swimming. But I almost got Yvonne talked into coming Wed. night. Randy would tell me "to have a friend, you got to be a friend"

I will take my sheet and walk.

Tracy said...

I hope your friend will be better soon.

jumpinginpuddles said...

please stay safe and i hope your friend is ok


shade said...

Stay safe on you trip ok!!! I have been trying to post on your blog but it wont let me... sorry its been so long... glad to hear you made it safe through the storm!!!
hope your friend is ok

Wanda's Wings said...


Hi I'm back. Had a safe trip and all went well. Even had a little time to relax. Thanks for thinking of me.