Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The "E" Word

Everyone already knows I'm a nut, but PK and I have been having a blast exercising together. We are like a couple of "chatterboxes" the entire time we are working out. (except of course when we have to shut up just to breath. lol) Trying to set realistic goals can be hard for me. I want instance results and I want them yesterday. Pk has inspired me with her steady sensible weight loss. We have an accountability chart we are keeping, then sharing with each other each week. The primary goal is to get healthier instead of focusing on the number of lbs lost. That can be a big problem for me. I'm hoping by the end of the summer there will be a noticable improvement in my weight and my health. I have already notice I feel happier after exercisng than I did before.


shade said...

They say exercise is one of the best things you can do for your self health wise and emotionally. The endorphine thing:) Its even better when you can do it with someone and have fun!!! Glade your enjoying yourself with it!!!!

Dreaming again said...

Now, if we can get myself to reward myself and be HAPPY with my slow steady sensible weight loss that I've had ...instead of rolling my eyes at how slow and steady it's been ...

You're right ... focus on the health ... the focus is being healthy ...fit ...now the pounds to go ...healthy fit ...not ... healthy ...fit ...

you might need to knock that into my head a few times.

Wanda's Wings said...

wolfbaby, Thanks for the support!
Dreaming: It's going to work!

Marj aka Thriver said...

I am so excited that you want to participate in the blog Carnival Against Child Abuse! Yay! No worries, the post is supposed to stay up on your blog, just make sure you provide the permalink to it when you submit at Blog Carnival. You can e-mail me at thriver@survivorscanthrive.com if you want me to give you more specific instructions. Whoo Hoo! I'm getting so excited about this! BTW thanks so much for the link. I'll get one up to you on my sidebar, too!

shade said...

well here is something to remember slow but steady is good because it generally means the weight will stay off longer. . . does that help any?

Tracy said...

Yayyyy Blogger is working so I can comment! You can do this! It sounds like you are off to a wonderful start. Maybe we will be getting thin and fit together!

Wanda's Wings said...

Marj: Since child abuse has so effectd my life, I want to do what ever I can to prevent it and get the word out. It is very real.

Wolfbaby; Oh no you said the "S" word. It hard to do anything slow. lol.

Mysti: I am so impressed with what you are doing. You like me love ice cream. (bye bye ice cream) Thanks for the support.

Dreaming again said...

Wanda ... I make a solomn promise to you ... I will never invite you to go out for icecream with me!

Coffee ... yes .. ice cream ...no worries!