Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I May Not Know

I may not know the reasons that some must die so young. I may not know why some struggle with mental illness daily. I may not know why some must fight with eat disorders. I may not know why there is sexual and child abuse. I may not know why some suffer such physical pain. I may not know why people hurt each other . BUT I do believe there is Someone who cares for each broken heart and we are here to help each other.


Anonymous said...

This is a very short but profound post. It's true-- we don't know why some people suffer and others don't. All we can do is help each other.

Speaking of helping, thank you so much for all of your encouragement on my blog. It's nice to know that someone is on my side.

Wishing you well,

Just Be Real said...

A lot of things this side of heaven we may never know dear one......

Anonymous said...

So very true! Many things we will never know or understand. But we must hold onto faith. Tammy

Unknown said...

I have been hurt a lot but I've never understood the kind of people that try to make themselves feel bigger by making others feel smaller. The least we can do is try not to make things worse for each other.

Ethereal Highway said...


Denise said...


June_Butterfly said...

I guess a lifetime is not enough to fathom all the things in front of us.

Knowing someone cares for us makes things easier to bear.

Anonymous said...

I agree Wanda. Thank you for sharing.