Monday, December 21, 2009

Many are Struggling

Many people struggle with the Holidays. Past histories, bad memories, absences of family members, lack of money, food, and a thousand other reasons. I wish for all, no matter what is going on, that you find peace in the Holiday season.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

you have a really good heart

Gaia said...

You are so thoughtful and thank you for your prayers. Bless you.

Mike Golch said...

Thank you for this posting this is one of the holidays that I miss both Mom(2003) and Dad(1984)I guess I will always will.Thisw would have been thrie 60th wedding anaversary this year.

Wanda's Wings said...

Mike I am sorry for your loss.

RCUBEs said...

Like Mike, me, too...Been missing my dad [went Home on Dec.2007] and my mom [Dec.2000]...Never the same...God bless you and Merry Christmas again!

One Prayer Girl said...

And may peace be yours as well.


Wanda's Wings said...


'Tart said...

May peace be with you as well.

Tracy said...

Very thoughtful Wanda. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas my blogger friend. Hugs

Wondering Soul said...

Wishing you the same Wanda.

It's hard that your eldest won't be with you.
Christmas can be such a tough time in some ways... I guess it is a mixture of things for most of us.

Hoping that you can find some peace and joy this holiday Wanda.
You've had a really tough time of it just recently and I hope that Christmas can bring some of the peace and magic to soothe, rather than chaos and stress.

Much love.

Shadow said...

thank you dear wanda. may your wishes realise. for everyone out here...