Sunday, December 27, 2009

Still Snowed In

Since I have a small car and live a little ways out for the city, we are still snowed in. I have two doctors appointments tomorrow and I'm not sure I am going to be able to get out and go. It has warmed up some, but still well below freezing. The snow is nice to look at, but sure makes it hard to get around.


Andrea said...

Praying for you. I hope you are enjoying the winter wonderland around you...reading good books and I pray you are being reminded of just how special you truly are...if not...let me tell you: You are a priceless gem...GOD loves you!

Blessings and hugs,

Just Be Real said...

Be safe dear one. I know how the snow can freeze over and turn to ice! Praying it warms above 32 degrees. Blessings and hugs always.

Anonymous said...

comeing by to give you a warm hugssssssssssssssss

Anonymous said...

Being snowed in is the worst! I get stir crazy pretty quickly. I hope you're managing better than I could in that situation. I also hope that the roads get cleared up so you can go to your appointments. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

<3 NOS

Dreaming again said...

what time and where are your appts? we might be able to help ... maybe ... let me know

'Tart said...

It sure does! It's so pretty to look at until you have to go somewhere. I hope you can get out for your appointments tomorrow.

One Prayer Girl said...

Well, at least you have the beauty of the snow to keep your spirit warm.


Anonymous said...

It's the time between the years. Normally a quiet time of relaxing and thinking, at least it was for me.
I thank you for coming by at my blog and it would be a pleasure to see you more often. Just leave a comment. In an earlier post you mentioned a problem with hyperlinking. Maybe Eros can help you:

Just scroll down and at the right you see his blogging-tips. He's a friendly man.
Most mistakes include the "<" and ">". Use the preview - it will tell you if the link does not work.

Winter wonder land is nice to look at, but dangerous to drive. I hope you do not have to take some risks.

Bernie said...

I will say a special prayer tonight that you may be able to make your doctor's appointments tomorrow....we have tons of snow here as well and I too live outside the city so I know well how you are feeling.....:-) Hugs

RCUBEs said...

Stay safe and warm sister! God bless and keep you always. I pray you'll make it to your MD appt. :)

Wondering Soul said...

Thinking of you Wanda and hope that you can make your appointments.
Much love to you.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I hope you can get to those appointments. It's so weird b/c I live in Canada and there are just a few minor flakes here and there. Nothing really. Stay safe whatever you do. Sarah