Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oklahoma Hit Again

Oklahoma was hit again with tornadoes last night. Eight are dead and there is a missing 3 year old. This family needs our prayers because they lost a 15 month old in the storms.

Alice and I went to the storm shelter when the alarm was sounded. I was very worried about Alice because she was on crutches. She made it fine, in facts she ended up driving me to the hospital. In the storm shelter she was having a panic attack, so I was standing up to give her room to get to some fresh air. When I stood up my blood pressure apparently drop out because I passed out an fell flat on my face. I am just so thankful I did not fall on the five small children that were in front of me sitting on the floor. I ended up with a broken foot and now can not bear any weight on it until I see the orthopedic doctor in 3 to 5 days. They said it was a clean break and should heal up OK. Like I say I am just thankful it wasn't anything serious.

We do need to pray for all the families that lost so much. 


Unknown said...

I am glad both of you are mostly okay, though sorry about your broken foot. I know where Alice is coming from--I would have been freaking out myself. I am very claustrophobic and also afraid of the dark. I hope those poor families recover their loved ones. Our world can be a frightening place sometimes.

rcubes said...

Glad you're okay and your daughter and I pray that your healing comes in no time. It is sad as many faced this disaster. God bless and take care sister.

Mike Golch said...

prayers are being offered.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Wanda, feel better! It must have been so scary to hear that alarm. But I'm glad your family has remained (relatively) unharmed by the tornadoes.

Thinking of you.

Wishing you well,

Bobbie said...

So glad you are okay. Where do you live? The news is devastating these days... just so sad.

Ethereal Highway said...


I'm glad you are both safe.

Clueless said...

I agree. My heart feels quite heavy with all of the natural disasters happening this year. I feel very blessed that I have a home. I will continue to pray.

Clueless said...

I forgot...I am also grateful that you are okay, but I can't even begin to imagine the emotional toll that it take on everyone in the area. Continuing to pray for your safety.

Just Be Real said...

Oh dear one I am sorry that you have to face these vicious storms. Hugs to you both.

Dreaming again said...

Girl! wouild you call me when stuff like this happens!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

yikes Wanda...I didn't know you lived so close to the tornados. So glad you're both okay. Well minus the foot anyways. Stay safe out there okay..praying.

Bluebird49 said...

Oh you poor dear! I'm glad you're safe, but I'm sorry about your foot. The tornadoes have already been awful this year--I pray you'll be safe.

Tracy said...

Blogger has been giving me trouble so I've not been able to comment but I am hoping i can today.
I do think of you and gosh, breaking your foot on top of all the other things you are experiencing; UGH...take good care of yourself...

Dreaming again said...

by the way, blogger and my computer aren't getting along .. new blog at