Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can't Do What I Used To Do

 I was trying to move a small pile of rotting lumber yesterday and I fell. The bad part was I couldn't get up until I crawled to something to grab a hold of to pull myself up. Since I had my knee surgery I have trouble getting off the floor or the ground. I was so embarrassed, but nobody saw me.I keep thinking I can do everything I used to do, but the simple fact is I can not!

I am sore today and really can tell I over did it yesterday. Today I had to pay bills and grocery shop. I really proud of myself because I fixed the broken flapper on the toilet. Yes I am not totally helpless. It was really easy and cheap to fix. Yeah! I need to paint the back porch, but that another day. Not today anyway. :)

I about fell over with shock when I filled my gas tank. Wow the price just keeps going up. My grocery bill was also higher today. Seems the only break I got was the gas bill went down. I know next month the electric will go up because it is getting hot enough to use the air conditioner. I guess I have vented enough. so I close with saying things could always be worst and I am thankful for all the things that I have.


Anonymous said...

i know how embersing it is when u fall and cant get back up, haping to me alot anymore. defently cant exercise now though

Unknown said...

I have a harder time getting up from a kneeling or crouching position or if I sit down on the floor. At least my hip wasn't screaming at me today. I shudder for the day when I have to have it replaced because I know it's going to happen. It's only a matter of time.

Just Be Real said...

Dear one hope you are better with the pain.

Raine said...

Its hard realizing we cant do the things we have always taken for granted. Everything here is getting more and more expensive too, I think its happening all over. I dont know how it will all end.

RCUBEs said...

Contentment...always the key..I feel it from your heart...Take care sister. God bless.

Anonymous said...

That's no fun that nobody saw it. Be careful please, such things are avoidable.