Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What God Had To Say

I tried writing a letter to God.I discovered I had too many questions that I had no answers to. I also discover that my questions made me angry. I know God knows this and excepts me as I am, but I was too angry with God to share the letter.
Here is the letter God wrote to me:

Dearest Wanda,
 I know all your pain. I know how broken and damaged you are from all that has happen to you. I know you are angry and hurt that I did not prevent these horrible things that happened to you. Your brokenness and damage can be healed. You are not too damaged to heal. Yes it will take faith, love of friends, hard work, and therapy to fix all the damage that has been done, but it is possible. Don't give up because you are worth the effort.
You deserve to heal because you have so much goodness and love inside you. You can help other broken people. You have already had a positive influence on many lives. You truly deserve the peace that comes from healing.
You are worthy to heal. Your life can be a blessing to other wounded people. Your kindness and love for others makes you so worthy to heal.
My desire is for you to be healed and whole.


Chatty Crone said...

Wanda I don't have the answer why - but he didn't do it to you personally. It did happen under His watch, but I know he won't give you more then you can handle. At the end of this - you will be stronger. And someday you might have an answer. God Loves You and so do I! sandie

middle child said...

I pray for you to be healed and whole. It will be so in God's time.

RCUBEs said...

We have so many questions that can't be answered here in this place. I pray that the truth from Him will help you be strong and be healed. God bless.

Jade said...

Just wanted to stop in and let you know that you were being thought about. :-)

Be well my friend

Denise said...

Amen, God loves you so far beyond measure my friend.

Just Be Real said...

Dearest Wanda there are so many things this side of heaven we just do not understand. May His grace keep you during your struggles.

Tracy said...

I continue to pray for you and your healing...God does want you to be healed and He will help you through all of it!

Bobbie said...

Wanda, your post made me cry. I believe - One day, you will stand in the presence of God and He will bring to light that which you do not understand today. Until that day, your faith will see you through. Jesus did not deserve to die on the cross, but He was chosen for a purpose... And just as His pain was for a purpose, I believe that our pain is as well. I cannot understand why God allows us these bad things to happen... but I do believe that there is a reason for everything and someday we will understand. You have a beautiful heart. I love the letter from God.