Saturday, April 28, 2012

Humpty Dumpty

"Humpty  Dumpty set on a wall
My first four years of life
Innocent and pure

Humpty Dumpty took a great fall
12 years of childhood  sexual, physical, and mental abuse 
24 years of marital sexual, physical, and mental abuse
{Domestic Violence}
The death of my beloved son

All the king's horses and all the king's men
 Friends and family
My children
The good things in my life

Couldn't put Humpty back together again"
God can You put me back together again?


middle child said...

I don't understand God's idea of time. I don't know why he delays in answering our prayers sometumes. I wonder if, instead of putting you back together as you were, He might be putting you back together in a different way, a different person.

Alexandra MacVean said...

Wanda, yes He can!! I'm a firm believer of this. I'm a survivor of years of child abuse (physical/sexual). I'm a walking, living testimony.

Please see the post I just put up on my blog.

YOU ARE an overcomer. Just like me!!

Love you lady, VERY much. And so does God. :)

Unknown said...

What I have read in your blog makes me think that my troubles are not so important. I'm not a believer. I can only send you positive thoughts from the other side of the world.

Denise said...

My precious friend, yes, God can put you back together.

Tracie Nall said...

He can. Yes.

I still find parts of me that are cracked, and broken, but God is definitely repairing those cracks, and I know He will do the same for you.

Chatty Crone said...

Yes if you let Him be in control! sandie

A Mother Always said...

I loved that illustration, eventhough it's a little on the dark side ...but God will put you back together again.
I believe God likes mountains, he makes us climb them (the steeper the better) but eventually we do reach the summit and it's time to come down, but our burdens would be lighter and the knowing of God would be deeper.

And thank you for your comments


'Tart said...

Wanda I think God is putting you back together and you are doing the work to help Him. You are working so hard and should be so proud of yourself.