Friday, August 06, 2010


Crying my eyes out. Knowing I must hold on. It will be better. There are people that love me. I know this. Death is NOT the answer. Oh God hear my cries. I have to listen to my own words. Words that I have spoken to others. You are worth it. Don't give up! The mental anguish feels more than I can bear. Keep telling yourself you are worth it. Talk to someone. Reach out for help. Never give up. Think of your wonderful daughter, friends, and love ones. You are not alone.


63mago said...

It will come to an end. At one point you will be too tired and exhausted. Sometimes later you will be able to develop a perspective for you, you will be moving away from the payne, slowly.

Alice said...

hugs, uy are always loved by me

Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry you're having a hard time. But I think you're wise to listen to your own words. You are in my thoughts always.

Wishing you well,

Mike Golch said...

I am glad that you posted the 800 number on your site and using it your self.we need to help each other weather the storms that are our lives. Hugs my Friend.

Denise said...

You are beyond worthy sis, and you are greatly loved.