Friday, July 16, 2010

They Wanted to Admit Me Today

They wanted to admit me today,but I agreed to check in with my therapist on a daily bases for right now. What I did last night was very dangerous. She was very reluctant to do this, but I promised her I would keep safe. She had me pick up a book When Bad Things Happen To Good People. If things continue I am to go to the hospital. She wants me to keep an anger chart daily and I see her again on Wednesday. I'm going to start reading the book as soon as I'm off line. Your comments and prayers are appreciated. Right now I need all the help I can get. It seems by bipolar depression is really messing with my grief.


Denise said...

Sweetie, please take loving, gentle care of yourself. Read the book, and do as they are suggesting. You need to focus on what is best for you. I love you, and I am praying for you . Prayers havebeen said on your behalf at the lighthouse.

Just Be Real said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Wanda. Throwing together grief, depression and mind altering substances will definitely mess things up a bit. I hope this book gives you some good thoughts and can show if not a way out at least something uplifting. I hope you will have some company today?

RCUBEs said...

Take good care of yourself sister. God bless you.

Wanda's Wings said...

So far the book is only confusing me more. My emotions are so raw. I just hurting beyond believe. Thank you again for checking in on me.

Nikki (Sarah) said...


Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

How hard it would be to hold up in your circumstance. It breaks my heart thinking about it. I feel so sad for you.
I also wanted to let you know that this is just another face of the person behind Cheesemeister and Blooming Psycho. If you ever want to email me, please feel free.
Much love.