I so badly need to talk with my therapist but I can't afford the appointment. I need to talk about the nightmares that have been so bad lately. I'm so jumpy. Nobody can even say anything without me jumping out of my skin. I did some SI to relieve the stress. It only helps a little while, then it is followed by shame. My health care is the pits. I really need to be seeing my therapist weekly right now. I just had to vent.
We are here to listen and offer support,How adout a big Bear Hug from Golch Central,Here it is.
Thanks Mike. I needed that.
I hear you. I haven't been able to afford a therapist in six years. I'm going to need to scrape together the copay to go to the doctor though and see if he'll write me a note explaining to my supervisor that I physically cannot work this stupid schedule she has me on any more. (every other night)
Oh, I'm sorry that things have been rough. We're here for you! *hugs*
(((Wanda)))) Dear one, so very sorry!!!
I really know how this feels as am having to stop my therapy because of money worries. It's so unfair. Writing is really helping me and the loving support here. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog, it's very kind of you. It sounds like your really struggling right now and I'm so sorry to hear that. I was disabled by panic attacks and was agoraphobic for a year 10 years ago. I'm so much better than that now. With love x
Oh, Wanda. I've been reading your last few posts. This is too much. I'm so sorry to hear about the mood swings and the anxiety and the SI. Is there anyway you can get to a therapist who has payment on a sliding scale or something?
Oh, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sending all the healing vibes I can right now. And safe hugs too, dear heart ((((((((((((Wanda))))))))))))
my eye's aren't quite functioning at this 3:30 /... i'll have to come and read the rest of your posts tomorrow.
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