Friday, August 21, 2009

Not Feeling

I'm not feeling anything, just emptiness. I'm not happy and not sad, just nothingness. I do not like this feeling. Maybe something is going to happen. Maybe it's because of medication. I am shaking all over. This is scary to me.


Just Be Real said...

Here sitting with you dear one through this.... You are not alone.

Unknown said...

The shaking might be a side affect of the medication. I would call your doctor ASAP.

Wondering Soul said...

Right here with you Wanda.
It's a horrible place to be where you are reacting physically and yet feel nothing but numbness emotionally.
Thinking of you especially tonight.

Anonymous said...

I hate nothingness too. I'm sending you love. Please be well.

Mike Golch said...

we are here for you.sounds like a change of medication maybe in order,You might want to had a discussion with your doctor.

Wanda's Wings said...

Thank you everybody. I call the doctor again on Monday. She did not call back today.

rcubes said...

Hi there. Glad you found me so I can visit you back! :) Looking forward to coming here often. God bless.

One Prayer Girl said...

Thank you so much for leaving a comment on my blog. It allowed me to find you. It will allow me to reach out to you.

If I had written a Seven Word Saturday instead of Six, I would have added "healing" and it would have read:

Of course, my six words mean the same thing. The power and love in them were meant specially for you too.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

praying you are ok. praying things settle down for you. WOndering if that doctor finally called back. Sarah

Anonymous said...

i was physically, sexually, and emotionally abused as a child. my 1st husband did the same things to me. the first 29 yrs of my life were abusive...can bipolar disorder be caused by this? PA