Sunday, October 01, 2006

Where is Middle Ground?

Ok, so where is the middle ground? The depression is much better now and I'm wired for sound. Gee, what's wrong with me? I'm either so low you can't pick me up or I'm high as a kite. Well this is better anyway. Funny my body just won't catch up with my emotions. I do believe if the body would cooperate, right now I could do anything. I finished most of that goverment paper work, until they decide they need more. It's really weird, but I can't get Christmas off my mind. I'm looking around thinking about how I'm going to decorate for Christmas. Maybe that is the stores' fault. They already have the Christmas stuff out and it is not even Halloween yet! Well as you can tell my mind is jumping from one thing to another right now. It's a good thing I'm broke or I would be wanting to buy everything in sight. Oh well at least, I'm smiling. Even if my son calls me "EMO" I feel pretty good today!


Anonymous said...

LOL hey better up then down... at least this way you don't feel so bumbed ya know.. hugs..

Tracy said...

Glad you are feeling great! Ya know I am thinking of Christmas also. lol It is never to early to get into the christmas spirit! Hugs.

Jade said...

I can relate to a lot of what you said Wanda. So glad to hear that spirits are up and you're feeling good. Hope thats a perminent life change for you. :-)

jumpinginpuddles said...

eeekkkk christmas NO WAY not yet too early ;)

Wanda's Wings said...

Up is better than down, any day of the week!

Good to hear I'm not the only one thinking about Christmas. We must be long lost twins.

Thanks Jade, it would be nice to stay up all the time.

Yes I am jumping the gun. Christmas is still a ways off. I'm strange, what else can I say. lol