Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Therapy has been very difficult the last few weeks. It has taken my mind to a darker place. Remembering  painful images has caused me to be very edgy and sleep deprived. I also believe that physically not feeling well contributes to the problem. My therapist is telling me I am doing good work and this will help me heal. Sometimes I think I am just too old for this. I guess there is no age limit on being whole. My goal for healing is to be able to help and encourage other so I guess it is worth the discomfort now.


Anonymous said...

You will be fine my friend...sometimes it takes time to heal (((hugs)))


Tracy said...

no, my friend, YOU are worth the effort. I love that you want to help others, and you will but right now the focus needs to be on you for you matter...Hugs and prayers to you Wanda!

Chatty Crone said...

Hey Wanda - once they come out can you give them over to God and let him have them? sandie

Denise said...

You always encourage me friend, love you.

RCUBEs said...

May the Lord always strengthen you sister. The path is narrow...It's always uncomfortable...But you are on the right track!

'Tart said...

Hi Wanda!
You're right ~ there is "no age limit on being whole." What a wonderful quote for all of us.

Long time no see from me I know, my friend. I am so glad to see you here on Blogger.

A Mother Always said...

You are strong Wanda.


Just Be Real said...

Wanda dear, God has you right where He wants you. And He is along side of you always. Hugs.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

My mother says that she can't bear going to the spousal grief support group anymore. I sometimes wonder how digging at old wounds is supposed to help a person heal.