Friday, September 02, 2011


The best part of my life has been the last few years. I have found a community of people that truly care through my church. We all need someone from time to time to lean on.  With a history of abuse it is so hard to let your  defenses down and let someone in your life. It sometimes seems safer not to let anyone close to you. That is such a lonely way to live. We were not meant to live life isolated. I'm grateful that I am finally comfortable enough with myself to let some other people get close to me. Blogging is also a great way to meet people and open up your heart for friendship. I have met so many people through blogging that I truly care about. It is a wonderful way to meet and care for others.


Chatty Crone said...

It is hard- because you don't know whether you will be excepted or not - but I am glad you decided to let your guard down. sandie

RCUBEs said...

I love the strength I get from blogging sisters/bros. in Christ through their faith and knowing that whether it is through comfort or sufferings, we are not alone.

God bless sister.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I'm so glad for you deserve the best stuff ever

Just Be Real said...

Wanda this is good news. The strength we can get from one another in Christ is so encouraging. Blessings.