Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I Love Fall

I love fall. I love to feel the cool breezes blowing, I love the trees as they change to yellow, orange and brown.  I love the sound of the leaves crackling under my feet.

I love the look of big orange pumpkins. 

 I love watching small animals gather food for the up coming winter. 


Chatty Crone said...

I love these pictures Wanda - so refreshing and happy looking. I love fall too - my favorite season.

Bobbie said...

I love Autumn as well.. it's so beautiful and cooler (which is good). I'm not crazy about what comes after..
Hope you're doing well :-)

Bluebird49 said...

I love fall, too--it's my favorite season. It means I can get out without feeling soaked as soon as I walk out in this VA heat and humidity. I never mind the cooler weather as opposed to the hot.

Sharon Rose said...

The pictures are lovely.

Autumn is my favorite season. It's romantic. It brings a cozy atmosphere to everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Did you try to paint "fall" or your feeling about it?

RCUBEs said...

I love Fall because I know the heat of summer is leaving soon!!!!

Wow! Days go by so quick! Take care sister. God bless.

A Mother Always said...

You are lucky in more ways to have seasons that constantly change colours and a climate that is never boring. Enjoy!

Raine said...

those are beautiful pictures, does it look like that where you live?

Lenora said...

what is the medium here? paint, pastel? he is sweet, inquisitive.. yes i love autumn too!

μπλεγμένο κουβάρι said...

So cute!!!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing. Autumn is my fave season, too! Valerie

Cynthia said...

Fall is such a magical time -we
get start-overs and delicious
tummy warming food and the leaves-
Oh how I love the leaves!