Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I know you are not suppose to become weary, but I am. I am so tired of trying to remain stable. I am tired of struggling with the severe mood changes and the sadness that overwhelms me almost daily. I can't think straight and make stupid mistakes. Seems like I can only handle life a few minutes at a time. Someone Please tell me I am not alone. I am so stressed!


IK said...

Oh dear, you are not alone. I've been a bit of a rollercoaster of my own as of late. I have actually decided not long ago that I had to take life by mere minutes to keep stable. Unfortunately I forgot about that these past few days.

Please don't give up! Thank you for your post, I hate knowing someone else feels like this but comfort comes from relating to others. Take care! *hugs*

Unknown said...

You are certainly not alone. I keep wondering myself "when will this end?" My mood is reasonably stable but it's stress, stress, stress without end. Don't give up!

Wanda's Wings said...

I think some of the mood swings I'm having is do to the stress. I'm sick of stress!!!!!

Paula said...

You are not alone at all. I am turning 50 this year and wondered if these struggle ever will be over. Like you I succeed on many days and on others I dont. Whilst I heal for myself the tought I wont let them win over me is keeping me going. And I have to take life by minutes or hours like IK. Tons of hugs aross the pond.

Just Be Real said...


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hey Wanda, you are not alone. The horrible feelings will pass. Sometimes when I"m in it it seems like it will never stop but it always does. I'm praying that today you will feel a ton better. In your corner. Sarah

Anonymous said...

Of course you're not alone, Wanda. Life can really be overwhelming and stressful. But if you can only handle a few minutes at a time, do whatever you can to take life a few minutes at a time. I know sometimes some things take planning, but "living in the moment" may be helpful.

Please take care of yourself. I'm wishing you the best.

Dreaming again said...

you're not alone.

I wish things were better ... wish I could make them better.

I do hope you get the scholarship and soon! check on that!!

Breathe in ...breathe out ...repeat.

Ethereal Highway said...

Most certainly not alone.
