Friday, October 28, 2011


Healing takes time, patience, work, therapy, and God. I believe the broken can be restored and healed. I believe I am a work in progress. I'm taking steps to be whole and as I grow possibly inspire others along the way.

Tears can be healing. I cried a lot in my therapy session today. I feel we pulled out some of the pain and filled it with positive affirmations. I am a good person. I can be a  positive influence on others. I am OK!  I still believe if I can help anyone in there journey then this blog is not a waste of time. 


Chatty Crone said...

You have HOPE! Picture that in your head - a little flame that will never go out.


Anonymous said...

Hello Wanda - no, I do not think that writing this blog is a waste of time. You express yourself, you can show something of you and your life to others. You are not alone, your readers also. That's good, isn't it?

Just Be Real said...

Amen. Yes, I heard that tears help in the healing process. Blessings and healing to you Wanda.

RCUBEs said...

Exposing deeper wounds do hurt! I can't imagine the pain! But I pray that they are being exposed to His air and light and that healing will come soon...God bless.

Tracy said...

I tried leaving a comment from my phone but I guess it didn't post. I know this is not an easy journey but it is part of the are doing great!

Sharon Rose said...


Laurie Collett said...

Dear Wanda, I will pray that He will comfort you and give you the pace that passes all understanding. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Love in Him,
Laurie Collett, Saved by Grace