Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Monday

 It's Monday & 102 In the shade. Keep cool!


Mike Golch said...

keep cool and safe.

Andrea said...

I am missing the snow...the humidity really gets to me and it is NOT 102, here. Stay cool and safe.

Tracy said...

AMEN to that...we've already had 28 days with 90 + temps this spring/ summer so cool is the word of the summer!

Anonymous said...

Cute picture! Stay cool, it's hot in Northern California right now too but not that hot!

Love, C

Sandee said...

Awww...that is an adorable shot.

Keep cool Wanda. :)

Dreaming again said...

it got up to 106 yesterday!! record ... we've broken tooooo many records this year!

Jade said...

Ohhh good grief! Thats hot! I dont miss the heat of the Central Valley of CA, but even here in Sacramento its in the upper 90's lately. Thank God there's not much humidity here in Cali.

Stock up on iced tea!