It is the time of the year to look back and remember. It is time to set goal for next year. I can call 2006 a good year because I learned so much. This was a year that was full of rough spots, but I learned so much this year. I have learned how much we need others. I have always been one to do everything myself. This year I have started trusting others more. I have started to reach out more to others and it has added so much more enjoyment to my life. It has been an emotional year, but again I feel there has been healing in this area of my life too. My faith is stronger. I discovered a world of new friends by blogging. I learned to slow down and enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend. Next year I really want to continue the emotional healing and work on becoming more phycially healthy. I want to paint more and write more. I want to become closer to my friends. I want to be a better friend to those that mean so much to me.
A new year is about to begin. I'm looking forward to letting 2006 go. It has been a rough year, but I have made many new friends, which made the year a good one. I have learned how much we need people and the importance of friendships. A new year always bring with it a time to make improvements. I think my biggest goal for next year will be to try to improve my health. I want to continue to make my friendships stronger and increase my faith. I wish all my blogger friends a very Happy New Year.
It's nice to know that there are friends that know you and accept you just the way you are. You can be comfortable to say what you need to say. You can say nothing, yet still feel loved and accepted. You don't have to wear a mask to hide the "real'' you. I am thankful for these friends that accept me with all my faults.
I can be myself without fear of being judged. I'm so glad I have these friends. You are more than just a mental illness. You are you and that is OK. What could be better. These friends help you grow. They love you for who you are. Nothing is better. Hugs to those that can accept without judgement. Thank you for being there!
Christmas is coming just around the corner. We have been keeping busy and just wanted to tale a few minutes to be thankful for all the good things we have. Friends and family bring joy to the days. The meaning of Christmas and the wonderful gift of Jesus. Christmas may not bring joy to everyone and to those we wish a special peace . A time to make new memories. A time to be thankful for all our friends. Christmas is more than gifts. Christmas is a time to share our love.
Seems like everyday there are more unpleasant changes happening. I'm feeling a little shakey right now. Two dear friends are moving and that is very stressful. Today I found out that another link of my support system is being removed. My church has always been a strong support for me. At the end of the month we will have lost 3 out of the 4 ministry staff from the church. Each of these people have helped me so much through rough times. I find myself holding on tightly to my faith. I still have friends at my church to hold on to, but the loss seems so great. Right now PK is "holding my hand" to help me adjust to all of the changes. I have thought about trying to run away from all the stress, but know that is not the answer. Things are tense in my family right now too. I need to make some decisons, but do not feel I am thinking clearly enough to do so. A year ago I never dreamed I would be where I am today! Support system shaken, health failing, and financial stress, all seems more than I can deal with. Old coping skills seem to be pushing into my mind. Bad memories and "black outs" are happening more frequently. I feel like I am spinning out of control. I'm sorry this is such a depressing post, but I need to find a way to get some of this "stuff" out. I am open for any and all suggestions!
Our frist winter storm has come in over the last two days.My joints are hurting and I'm getting a little cabin fever. My driveway is the biggest problem since it is on a fairly step hill. We are hoping it will be better by Sunday. It is beautiful, but does limit what we can do. It's a good time for hot chocolate and soup. All the children are out of school and I have been watching the neigborhood children playing in the snow. It's a good day to put up the indoor Christmas decorations. Only 24 more days until Christmas. I think I will work on my Christmas cards today.