Saturday, November 20, 2010

Suicide Survivor Day

Let us please remember all those that have lost someone to suicide. The number of suicide in young people should be a national concern. Holidays can be a bad time for some people. I have lost a family member to suicide and know the lasting pain it causes. It has been over 10 years ago and still is painful. He was only 18. I have been on the brink of death by suicide myself. The thing to remember is not act on that moment of despair. Find someone to support you. It will get better no matter how dark it seems. My children are what give me the hope for a better tomorrow. You are never alone, somebody does care!


Anonymous said...

A horrific tragedy indeed. We must remember that it is also a very evil demonic spirit which we must cast down with the weapons of our warfare--God's Word, prayer and the knowledge of three very powerful words--CHRIST IS GREATER!!

I lost a friend to this evil last year when she, a highly educated, gifted, intelligent beautiful woman, took her life vilantly none other than on Christmas Day. This was the memory she left her 16 year old daughter to deal with for the rest of her life. At first I was so angry. Couldn't understand the selfishness of it all, especially coming from a mother and a human being who had it all--a career, a beautiful home, family and on and on. Just her daughter to me was more than enough. But, with time my compassion was greater than my anger. I pray for her daughter every day, especially knowing that Christmas is around the corner.

I later found out that she had started to take anti-depressants which many people aren't aware how much they cause these horrible thoughts. If anyone is reading this, I say, first of all RUN to Christ and second of all, be careful with anti-depressants. I have no clue how doctor's are prescribing these horrible medications. Money is it.

THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE. Life is about seasons and every season has an ending and a new beginning. On difficult days, simply look at the light at the end of the tunnel knowing that tomorrow itself may bring something new. Embrace LIFE will passion and take delight in the small moments of joy and those simple pleasures which strengthen us for the journey. CHRIST IS GREATER!!!

Wanda's Wings said...

Very well spoken One Heart!

Dreaming again said...

I lost a dear friend just this week. (technically, last month, but we weren't notified of her death till this week) I'd planned on going to a suicide survivors conference today, but just couldn't bring myself after this week. too raw.

I understood her desperation ... I think I've understood most of the ones I've lost that way (except one)
I can see their reasons ... but wish they'd understood what they were leaving behind.

Dr. Deb said...

So true, somebody DOES care.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that this "holiday" existed. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


Wishing you well,

Tempest Nightingale LeTrope said...

I lost a cousin, a friend, and someone who was very special in almost a romantic way. My brother lost one of his friends. I've dealt with suicide ideation on and off throughout my life.
For those who think of suicide as "selfishness," I believe this is an erroneous idea. The pain that the person is suffering at the moment they make such a decision is indescribable. It is not for the rest of us to call them selfish. It is an erroneous decision--in most cases. But error and selfishness are two different things.
My cousin was not a selfish person. She lived with medication resistant depression for her entire life. She was unable to endure it any more.
Of the three young men I mentioned above who committed suicide--my friend, my brother's friend, and the special fellow I mentioned--all of them suffered from clinical depression and other issues.
Do I wish they hadn't done it? Yes. But it is erroneous to adjudge them "selfish."

Wanda's Wings said...

Tempest, You are right we can never blame those that suffer from severe depression. It is a cruel illness that takes lives.