Saturday, February 18, 2012

Emotional Pain


 Why is emotional pain so much harder to deal with than physical pain? You can talk to yourself, read God's Word, try to sing a song, and yet it comes at you like a ragging river. The thoughts seem to come from a foreign place, a dark place inside your head. False guilt engulfs you. You think of things that you could have, or should have done better. You start to believe everything that has happen is some how your fault. Therapy and music seems to help you escape for a short period of time.Then the tears hit you. You cry a river and sadness over whelms you. You are getting better, but there is so much yet to over come.You know you are healing, but it seems so slow. With God's help, therapy, and time you will be whole.



RCUBEs said...

Praying His complete restoration be upon you. God bless.

Chatty Crone said...

I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I am praying for peace for you Wanda. Did you see that the words verification has changed and it is two words now instead of one and one word is very hard to read. You may want to delete it from your blog. Sandie

Denise said...

Saying prayers for you my friend.

Just Be Real said...

Hugs to you dear Wanda.

Tracy said...

Wanda, regardless of how difficult things get, we have things to be thankful for as you wrote in your previous post.However, give yourself some leeway to feel the bad feelings but also the good ones; life is a balance.
I support you and continue to send you prayers and positive thoughts...