Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm Angry

I am so angry I can hardly stand it. What has got me so upset? My loss of control over my life. Eighteen months ago I became so sick I could no longer work. At that time I was diagnosed with connective tissue disease (an autoimmune disease similar to lupus). I have had PTSD with dissociation since I was a teenager and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in my early 20's. I was able to work with a few hospital admits ,but I had a good job working as a supervisor and making good money. I was a single mother raising two special needs children. Now I am praying I make it from pay day to pay day.OVER ONE HALF of what I earn from SSD goes to medical bills. (drugs and insurance) They say I make too much money to get help from the state with my medical bills. I don't see why we can't get food stamps or something. I've been crying all day because my oldest child ask me for some money for her electric bill and I didn't have any thing to give her. something has to be done to help those that fall between the cracks, You shouldn't have to chose between electric, medicine or food. IT'S WRONG!!!!!!!!


Mike Golch said...

Wanda,I feel your pain.I and the Bh just barely make it each month.I have been liveing on a disability retirement since 1995.we still have 10 years to go before our home is paid for and every time it seems like we might put a few buck away something else happens and by by money.
Big time hugs and blessings your way!

Linda said...

the system is wrong!! matter where you live..the folks that really do need the help don't get it, and the ones who "choose" not to work..ect....get all the help they want..gotta love the goverment!! I feel for you.

Tracy said...


Dr. Deb said...

You are so right. And reading this makes me feel so sad. I wish things were different.

nippercatshome said...

Wanda, I am so sorry for your feeling of sadness. The system is so wrong, Even here in Canada, people who really need the help just don't get it, something needs to be done. God Bless you..take care Mary

Unknown said...

I agree. After taxes and insurance come out of my check I only make $1400 a month. My housing alone is $1100. It wouldn't be very practical to move. BTW I do not live in some fancy schmansy house, I live in a mobile home.